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Web Application Testing & Website Testing Services

Do you want to save time and money by outstaffing your web testing needs to a professional and reliable company? Luxe Quality is a company that will help you test your web application or website comprehensively and efficiently. Our team of experienced and qualified QA engineers uses modern methods and tools to achieve the best results. We are ready to start testing your project at any stage to help you increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Contact us to find out more about our web testing services.
Web Applications Testing icon

Web Applications Testing

Web applications allow you to do many things online, such as shopping, paying, playing, and chatting. In addition, they are dynamic and interactive, lively interacting with the user. That is, they change and respond to input and actions. Our team offers web application testing services to provide the best product quality. We test your web application on different devices and browsers, monitor its performance, speed, security, and usability, and help you avoid trouble by finding and reporting bugs and weaknesses before the application is released. So you get a great solution to release top-notched applications and attract more users. But when we talk about Web Applications testing, we include website testing here by default.
Websites Testing icon

Websites Testing

Website testing services are just the most common subspecies of software testing. It is also the process of checking your site for errors and making sure all of its features are working flawlessly to properly show your company's face on the web. Our QA engineers will test the site with all possible parameters and scenarios. They will check whether the site is convenient, fast, functional, safe, and adapted for different devices and browsers, as well as give you valuable advice on how to improve the site and prevent possible problems.

Types Of Web Testing We Provide

Automation Of Web Application Testing

With the help of automation frameworks, scripts are created, which allow running the most frequent or time-consuming tests without the direct participation of the tester. Automated tests are necessary for CI, allowing you to automatically test all recently deployed changes, even during non-working hours. Also, those scripts can be run locally to check any new or modified features before deployment. Our specialists can quickly analyze your case and offer a free demonstration of the benefits of our approach during the trial period

Manual Of Web Application Testing

Alongside the automated testing, you will definitely need manual web app testing services, which are actually creating the basics for further automation. Our experienced QA engineers will carefully check your application before and after release, simulate the actions of real users, and check all possible ways the application works. Our specialists will compare the actual behavior of the application against the requirements and specifications, identify and document any bugs and defects, and make recommendations to improve the usability and design of your application.

Usability Web Testing

This is a type of testing that determines how individual components meet user needs. Our QA engineers check every aspect and element of your web application, such as links, forms, buttons, navigation, etc., and monitor their convenience and convenience. Testing results show if your web application or website meets your users' and customers' needs and requirements and helps improve the product to fulfill its purpose entirely.

Performance & Load Web Testing

Performance testing checks the speed and efficiency to ensure how much data a web application can handle in each request and how well it adapts to changes, is trustworthy, etc. In turn, load testing helps assess how the system will behave under different loads, for example, if the number of users rapidly increases and decreases within 60 seconds. Thus, our QA specialist can test your web application in various situations and identify any problems or delays. As a result, you get an improved product that works faster and safer.

Security Web Testing

It is a type of testing that evaluates the security of your web application or website. Web security testing helps to test your application for possible threats and attacks and to identify and report any vulnerabilities or weaknesses that may discredit privacy and user data. In addition to these two aspects, the availability of the service is generally also mentioned. Availability can be compromised. For example, during DDoS attacks, it is important to check if the server hosting the site supports protection against them.

Functional Web Testing

This type of testing shows whether your web application or website can perform all functions per the required conditions of the application. Our QA engineers check every aspect and component of your web application, such as links, forms, buttons, navigation, etc., and ensure they work correctly and smoothly. Functional testing helps create a high-quality and user-friendly web application that performs its task precisely as initially intended.

Compatibility Web Testing

It is a type of testing that checks how well your web application or website performs with different browsers, devices, operating systems, etc. Here, our testers focus on the responsiveness and flexibility of your application by measuring aspects such as layout, design, functionality, and more. Web Compatibility Testing helps you validate your application across multiple platforms and environments to make sure it displays and works correctly and consistently. These actions will help improve and make it more compatible and convenient for all users.

API Web Testing

Also of note is an important part of Web Applications testing is API testing, but this question is so extensive that it deserves a more detailed disclosure and can claim a whole article

Our Web Testing Approach

We consider each project from the perspective of our previous experience. Since web applications occupy the largest part of the IT market, our experience in this field is really significant. This allows us to form approaches to ensuring the quality of the project, which gives the maximum result with the minimum investment of resources.

Project Requirements

Initially, we’re gathering data about what the project should do and look like. Here our QA specialists evaluate the goals, functions, characteristics, and constraints of the project, including quality and customer satisfaction criteria. Project requirements help plan, manage, and control a project and serve as the basis for evaluation and testing.

Process Planning

After a detailed project analysis, our team creates a detailed test plan. It includes test documents, uses previously discussed models, actions to implement plan items, test tools, types, timelines, and stages. Systematization of the process will allow your team to work more efficiently and effectively.

Test Design

Our experts necessarily create documentation and prescribe test cases. They consider all possible test cases and user actions. Test steps and the expected results after completion are written.

Environment Setup

We set up an environment for testing your website and application. It includes servers, hardware, and other tools that mimic actual use. This allows us to test your solution under different operating conditions.

Test Execution

When everything is ready, our team moves on to test the web application. During this phase, we discover and investigate issues that may be interfering with the website and provide solutions and improvements to create an error- and defect-free website.

Test Closure

At the end of all stages, we prepare a final report with assessments, identified shortcomings, and additional information. This document will help your developers troubleshoot existing and prevent future problems.

Web App Testing Tools & technologies

Choosing the right tools and technologies is essential to quickly and more efficiently test a web application. It depends on the type of web application, quality, and productivity requirements, budget and project timeline, etc. Furthermore, the chosen tools and technologies must support best testing practices, such as splitting tests into modules, reusing the same tests for different situations, and providing further support and documentation. We want to tell you about several tools that we’re using in our work:
  • Selenium icon


  • Cypress icon


  • Webdriver.Io icon


  • Playwright icon


  • TestRail icon


  • Redmine icon


  • Xray icon


  • icon

  • Postman icon


  • Swagger icon


  • BrowserStack icon


  • GitHub icon


  • Docker icon


  • Jira icon


Our Qualified Web Testing Team

QA Lead icon

QA Lead

This specialist coordinates the team and controls the timely execution of all processes during web application testing service. He is also responsible for developing the test plan that best suits your project.
QA/QC Engineers icon

QA/QC Engineers

This specialist creates and conducts testing using manual and automated methods. He/She uses the best approaches to provide max test coverage for the project.

Case Studies

Business Solutions

Pulse Prospector

Photo Pulse Prospector site


Business Solutions

Pulse Prospector



Implementation time:

Feb 2023 - present

About project:

The Pulse Prospector platform is a lead-generation tool for sales, marketing, and business development teams.


Manual usability testing and automated smoke and regression testing.


800+ bug reports resolved, 300 manual and automated tests conducted, 50% faster deployment cycles




Photo Vitassist site





Web, Mobile

Implementation time:

Jun 2023- Nov 2023

About project:

Vitassist is an online platform for Italian healthcare.


Manual and Automation, Functional, UI/UX, Regression, Security, API, Database Testing

Automated - WebdriverIO + JavaScript


220 created test cases provided, and 189 automated




Photo EduSparkle site






Implementation time:

Nov 2023 - present

About project:

EduSparkle offers interactive language and science learning platforms that make learning fun and effective.


Manual, Automation testing, QA architect, PM

Automated testing - JavaScript + Cypress + TestCafe and Python


200 test cases automated to cover critical features based on user needs.



Our Clients Say

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Our workflow

Now: Just fill out our quick form with your project details. It’s easy and only takes a minute.
In a Few Hours: We’ll assess your information and quickly assign a dedicated team member to follow up, no matter where you are. We work across time zones to ensure prompt service.
In 1 Day: Schedule a detailed discussion to explore how our services can be tailored to fit your unique needs.
Following Days: Expect exceptional support as our skilled QA team gets involved, bringing precision and quality control to your project right from the start.


Web application tests cover all aspects of the application, from visualization and work on different devices and browsers to its security and user-friendliness. We look at what your application does and how it does it. Our goal is to help your application become even better!
We use automated web application testing when we need to test a large number of repetitive scenarios. Automation increases the efficiency and accuracy of testing and also allows you to constantly control the quality of the product, which will save you time and resources.
We perform manual web application testing when we need to test those aspects of your product that require human interaction, perception, or evaluation. For example, we evaluate the design, usability, user interface, and user experience of your application, as well as those functions that are difficult or impossible to automate.
Some tests are better suited for automation than others, based on many factors, such as the complexity of the test, the frequency with which the test needs to be run, and the impact of the test on the overall quality of the product.

Here are some examples of web app tests that should be automated first:

  • Regression tests
  • Smoke tests
  • Performance tests
  • Security tests
By automating these tests, QA teams can free up their time to focus on more complex and exploratory testing. This can help to improve the overall quality of the web app and reduce the risk of releasing a product with defects.
A test case is a detailed specification that outlines the inputs, conditions of execution, expected outcomes, and other relevant factors necessary to verify the functionality or behavior of a software application or system. It serves as a documented representation of a specific test scenario, aiming to ensure that the software meets the desired requirements and operates correctly. The main test case attributes are unique «Test Case ID», a descriptive «Test Case Title», «Preconditions» that need to be met, step-by-step «Test Steps», «Test Data» for inputs, «Expected Results» for anticipated outcomes, and a Pass/Fail «Status» indicating the outcome. Additional attributes may include the Test Environment, Test Priority/Severity, and Test Case Description/Notes. These attributes collectively provide a structured approach to documenting and executing test scenarios. Below you can see 2 test case examples:

ID: TC-001

Title: Registration with a valid email


  • The user should have an unregistered email
  • Open the landing page in incognito mode (link)


  • Click on the «Sign Up» button
  • Input the email ( into the «Email» input field
  • Input the password (Password123!) into the «Password» input field
  • Input the same password (Password123!) into the «Confirm Password» input field
  • Click the «Sign Up» button
  • Open the verification link from the email
  • Input the email into the «Email» input field
  • Input the password into the «Password» input field
  • Click the «Sign Up» button
  • Click on the «My Profile» button

Expected result:

  • The registration form is opened
  • The email is inputted
  • The password is inputted
  • The same password is inputted
  • The success message is displayed. Then, the login page is opened. Finally, the email with the verification link is sent to the user
  • The login page is opened
  • The email is inputted
  • The password is inputted
  • The «Home Page» is opened
  • The «User Profile» page is opened. The previously used email is displayed on this page

ID: TC-002

Title: Password reset with an unregistered email


  • The user should have an unregistered email
  • Open the «Sign Up» form in incognito mode (link)
  • The registration form is opened


  • Click on the «Forgot your password?» link
  • Input the unregistered email ( into the «Email» field
  • Click the «Change Password» button
  • Check the unregistered email inbox

Expected result:

  • The «Forgot Password» form is opened
  • The email is inputted
  • The «The email you provided is not associated with any registered user account» error is displayed. The password reset email is not sent to the user
  • The password reset letter is not received